Kennedy Carpet

Disinfection Service


888Kennedy cleaning and flooring has always been a commercial and residential cleaning company. For our customers we have a disinfectant spray solution for homes, offices, restaurants and other commercial facilities.


Our professional grade, EPA approved botanical disinfectant solution kills bacteria, mold and viruses with a kill time of 4 minutes and a 99.9% success rate.

A green product free of chlorine and phosphates is non-corrosive and non-abrasive. This solution is safe for everyday use with no rise required even on food contact surfaces.

Our cleaning technicians will use a tank sprayer to thoroughly wet your non-porous surfaces with our disinfectant and allow it to sit for 4 minutes. Food and packaging must be removed before applying. No rinse required.

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Kills viruses in just 4 Minutes

EPA Registered Broad-Spectrum


Kills 99.9% of Bacteria, Viruses*,

Fungi & Molds

Bactericidal, Virucidal*,

Tuberculocidal, and Fungicidal**

Disinfect, Sanitize, Clean, and

Deodorize in ONE STEP

Kills, Destroys and Eliminates

Household Germs

No Rinse Required, even on food contact surfaces

Sanitizes Soft Surfaces in just 2 minutes

Eliminates 99.9% of most

Allergens§ upon contact

Kills Odor Causing Bacteria

Kills bacteria that can cause food poisoning

One-step Hospital Disinfectant Cleaner

*Virucidal according to the ASTM Standard Test Method for Efficacy of Virucidal Agents
** Fungicidal according to the AOAC Germicidal Spray Method
§ Removes the following allergens: dust mite matter, cat dander, dog dander, mouse dander, rat dander, guinea pig dander, cockroach matter, peanut, birch pollen, timothy grass pollen, rag weed pollen.