Stain Removal Tips

If you have stains that need immediate attention, follow these tips that Kennedy Carpet put together to provide you home remedies for your at-home surface cleaning. Please note that these tips do not guarantee stain removal. If your stain still exists, call Kennedy Carpet, our professional cleaners can remove the unwanted stains in your home or office. If you need to schedule an appointment call us at 888-536-6339 today, or you can send us a message via our contact us page.
SpotCleaning Procedures
Alcohol/Liquor/Beer1) Flush with warm tap water or club soda

2) Blot dry

Blood1) Apply cool dish detergent solution

2) Apply cool ammonia solution

3) Blot & rinse

BurnsTrim the tips of burned fibers with scissors.

Call us at 888-536-6339 if the damage is still too extensive.

Chocolate1) Apply cool dish detergent solution

2) Apply cool ammonia solution

3) Blot & rinse

Dye/Color Removal

*Note: this procedure should only be used as a last resort. Removing dye can have undesired side effects including removing dye from adjacent areas. Also, repeated use will damage your surface area. It is also necessary to check the area periodically for melting carpet fibers and unwanted color loss. Stop the procedure if the carpet begins loosing its natural color.

1) Apply 50% ammonia/50% water solution to the unwanted
dye. (This area should be damp – not saturated).

2) Dampen a white terry cloth towel with water (the towel must
remain damp at all times during the procedure).

3) Place the towel over the area and place an iron on the steam
setting over the desired area the towel is covering.

4) Hold the iron on the area for 15 seconds and check the stain.

5) Repeat procedure if necessary.

Fruit Juice



Artificial colors

1) Remove remaining material

2) Blot dry

3) Apply cool dish detergent solution

4) Rinse and blot dry

*Note: If stain remains, see dye removal.


1) Flush with warm tap water

2) Blot dry

GlueCleaning method depends on type of glue. Many manufacturers will give detailed removal instructions. If help is not available, call us at 888-536-6339 or contact us here to help remove your stain promptly.
Gravy, Ketchup, Mustard

1) Remove remaining material & blot dry

2) Apply cool dish detergent solution

3) Rinse & blot dry


1) Remove remaining material

2) Apply small amounts of dry cleaning solution

3) Blot dry and repeat as necessary.


1) Chill with ice cube

2) Scrape off as much as possible

3) Apply dry cleaning solution


Note* Working on ink can result in spots larger than the original area.

1) Blot

2) Apply small amounts of isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol starting
from the perimeter of the area, moving towards the center of
the stain.

3) Blot & repeat as necessary.


1) Let dry

2) Brush, scrape or vacuum off as much mud as possible.

3) Apply warm/hot dish detergent solution and rinse

Nail Polish

*Note: Nail polish remover may dissolve some fibers, pre-test an area first.

1) Apply nail polish remover (acetone)

2) Rinse & blot dry

Paint – Oil

*Note: Working on paint stains can cause spots larger than the original area. For your best options call 888-536-6339 and have Kennedy Carpet remove your paint stains. .

1) Remove remaining material.

2) Apply small amounts of dry cleaning solution .

3) Blot & repeat as necessary

Paint – Latex

1) Follow the above instructions for oil paint stain removal.

2) If the spot still exists or the area has dried, apply “Goof-Off”
or “Oops” latex removers available at hardware stores.

Read the instructions carefully, carpet is constructed with latex.

Tar/Shoe Polish

*Note: Working on tar can result in spots larger than the original area.

1) Remove remaining material

2) Apply small amounts of dry cleaning solution

3) Blot & repeat as necessary


1) Apply vinegar solution

2) Apply warm dish detergent solution

3) Blot & rinse

Vomit1) Apply vinegar solution


2) Apply warm dish detergent solution

3) Blot & rinse

Wax/Crayons1) Using a brown grocery bag: Place the bag over the area.
Apply an iron to the bag over the affected area using a medium
setting. The iron will draw the wax into the bag. Be sure to
periodically check the area.


2) Sometimes it will be necessary to change to another bag
depending on the amount of wax involved. If the color remains
after the wax is removed, see dye removal.


1) Blot & rinse with cool water

2) Pour table salt to area

3) Vacuum the area once dry

*Note: If the stain remains, see dye removal.

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